Practice Session

The Coach Collaborative (TCC300)


In this collaborative course, we offer 2 weekly sessions, (2 full hours each) specifically for BCC Applicants who have completed or are currently enrolled in one of our BCC training programs and who are seeking the required '30 Hours of post degree coaching experience' required by the CCE to sit for the Board Certified Coach exam.

BCC Candidates who are currently enrolled in the BCCT 101, 102, or 103 & 104 training programs are eligible to enroll in the optional TCC (The Coach Collaborative) sessions.

Here's how it works: Each week, there will be two sessions, 2-hours each, offered through the TCC course. Commitment to the program means you must come to both sessions each week. The sessions will be live through ZOOM with one or more of the Tailored Glory Consulting Group trainers and other coaches who are currently in a BCCT program or who have recently completed training. These will be your peer clients and coaches. The 30 hours of experience will be achieved through assigned breakout rooms where you and your coach "partner" will spend time honing your coaching skills by offering each other real coaching sessions. There will be "supervision" time in each session, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the Tailored Glory trainers, whom have all received the Board Certified Coach credential and who have been working in the field of coaching for several years. Each member of The Coach Collaborative will gain 8-10 hours of coaching experience per month. It will take approximately 3 months of consistent attendance to achieve the 30 hours of coaching experience.

Note - This is not coaching in the training environment, you will not be given topics to discuss. Each member of the collaborative will have 3 months of 'real-live' coaching sessions with another coach. Use this time to discuss whatever goals are relevant to your life at the time, (whether it be business coaching, life coaching, ADHD/EF coaching, or executive coaching etc...). Each member must have a complete coaching contract to be signed by your coach partner, which will be reviewed for completeness by the Tailored Glory coaching team. A certified coach member of the Tailored Glory Consulting Group team will be present in the main room of the Zoom session throughout the call and will allot time for 1:1 and group supervision as needed.

Upon satisfactory completion of The Coach Collaborative program, we will be happy to complete the required verification form that is required as part of the CCE application to sit for the Board Certified Coach examination. This collaborative is an amazing opportunity to not only get the 30 hours of required professional experience and low-cost coaching, but it is also a wonderful networking and learning experience. You should note that many of your peers are already professional coaches who have completed or are completing our professional coach training program and applying for the formal Board Certified Coach (BCC) designation, and more still are also professional counselors and social workers who are now becoming certified as professional coaches, as well as the presence of the Tailored Glory coaching team who are available to assist.

The price for participation in The Coach Collaborative is $598.00 for 3-months.

The breadth of knowledge and experience you will gain from The Coach Collaborative is unparalleled, and we promise it will be loads of fun! We hope you will consider joining us if you are in need of the 30 hours of coaching experience.

Completion rules
  • All units must be completed